Leelanau Township Library

Internet Acceptable Use Policy for WiFi

Internet Acceptable Use Policy for WiFi Users

Welcome to the Leelanau Township Library   Using library computers to copy and distribute copyright protected works may be an infringement of the copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code).
We provide access to the Internet to meet the public’s information needs. We support the Library Bill of Rights regarding Internet access. The library is not responsible for your electronic communications becoming public or for the accuracy of the information on the Internet. Electronic files should not be considered confidential in this public setting. When required by law, the library must disclose all files to the extent required by law.
Library personnel do not monitor or supervise Internet access. Parent or guardians, NOT the library staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. It is the library’s policy that parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what is appropriate for their children to view on the Internet.
The Leelanau Township Library is not liable for any direct or indirect and or punitive damages, including lost data, sustained or incurred in connection with the use or unavailability of the system. Transactions involving sensitive information are best done in a non-public environment.
Copies and reproductions must be made subject to copyright law.  We do not allow illegal use of file sharing software such as Bit Torrent. 
While in the library, please do not display material on your screen that is not appropriate in a public setting.  Illegal activities such as gambling by minors or pirating are not allowed.
Wireless users connect to the WiFi signal with the understanding that they are responsible for their computer and the files downloaded from the Internet. Any virus or unwanted cookies or pop-ups are not controlled by the library and are the users responsibility.

eBooks & eAudiobooks 


MeLCat Interlibrary Loan

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